A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods that serves as an address for a web site.
For example, www.shoes.com or www.books.com.
You cannot own a domain name in the same way you own a product such as a computer. When you purchase a domain name, you are buying the exclusive right to use the domain as the address for your web site.
In order to keep using the domain, each year you are required to pay a registration fee to the domain's registrar - a commercial entity such as GoDaddy.com that manages the reservation of internet domain names.
We currently have about 1,000 premium domain names in all price categories, ranging from $500 to $350,000. If you're looking for a domain name for your business, we probably have a great name for you.
If we don't have the name you want, we offer a Domain Buying Service that can help you find the perfect domain at a reasonable price.
You have three options to find a domain name: (1) Browse our full inventory of domain names; (2) Search by keyword using Basic Search ; or (3) Search by keyword, price, category, length, extension, word count or search frequency using our Advanced Search.
We know that acquiring a premium domain name can be a significant expense for your business. That's why we offer a number of different payment options in order to maximize your financial flexibility and minimize the impact on your balance sheet.
Payment options include: Buy Now (pay in full), Finance or Lease. We accept wire transfers, checks and credit cards for domains priced $5,000 USD or less.
Visit our Payment Page for more information.
Once you choose a domain name you will complete a brief form with your contact information, the purchase option, and payment details. Once you submit this information to us, we will respond within 24-48 hours with further instructions on how to acquire your name.
For offers, we generally respond within 24-72 hours.
Click here for more detailed information regarding how our sales proces works.
We've been around since 1999 helping individuals and companies start an online business with a memorable and unforgettable domain name. We'd also like to help you turn your online dreams into reality!
To learn more about the various services we provide click here.
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Domain names can be very valuable commodities and many sell for top dollar. What will a quality domain name do for your business?
Click here to learn more.